Virginia Tech Geosciences
2043A Derring Hall
+1 540 231 2234
Mailing Address:
Geosciences (MC0420)
Derring Hall, Rm 4044
926 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.D., Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, 2008
M.S., Geology, Colorado School of Mines, 2003
B.A., Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1997
- Climate History: Past, Present, and Future (GEOS 1064) — every spring since 2022
- Seismic Stratigraphy (GEOS 4124/6104) — approx. every other year
- Sedimentary Basins (GEOS 4264/5264) — approx. every other year
- Sedimentology-Stratigraphy (GEOS 3204) — every fall from 2011-2022
- Oceanography (GEOS 3034) — co-taught with Prof. Patricia Dove (2017)
- VT SedGeo grad seminar and field trip (GEOS 6204) — co-taught with Dr. Ben Gill and other faculty from time to time; previous offerings included trip to Paleozoic outcrops of Appalachia (2014) and modern coastal systems of the Outer Banks, NC (2016)
- ‘Paleosedstrat’ seminar (GEOS 6304) — rotating facilitator for ongoing seminar for sedimentary geoscientists and Earth historians
More Information:
- List of publications
- Romans_CV_June2024
- GoogleScholar, ResearchGate, ORCiD
- BlueSky:
- Chile Slope Systems project
- Affiliated faculty with the Virginia Tech Global Change Center
Media & Press:
- “Sand Tells Us The History of Mountains” article in Discover Magazine summarizing Mason et al. (2022) Nature Communications paper (December 2022).
- Webinar presentation “Sediment Recycling in Source-to-Sink Systems” (YouTube recording), a series organized by Dr. Paul Liu (N.C. State); all the recorded talks in this series can be access here. (March 2021)
- Featured on AGU’s GeoEd Trek website for use of digital whiteboard-based activities for undergraduate instruction in virtual environment (October 2020)
- VT News article announcing National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation and Antarctic Bottom Water formation with IODP Expedition 374 cores (September 2020)
- VT News article and WSLS Channel 10 Roanoke interview about global CO2 emissions in response to COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020)
- I submitted my responses/thoughts about the impacts of COVID-19 on the geoscience community to the miniGeology show, which was read on their YouTube channel (April 2020)
- Interviewed by Daniel Minisini of miniGeology radio show on KPFT Houston (August 2019)
- Distinguished Lecturer for 2018-2019 IODP Ocean Discovery Lecture Series, which included visits to 11 U.S. institutions over two semesters. This video was produced as a promotional of the lecture tour.
- VT News article about IODP Expedition 374 to the Ross Sea to study Antarctic ice sheet response to past climate change (January 2018)
- Guest on Undersampled Radio podcast (November 2017)
- Quoted in Newsweek about linkage (or lack of) between hurricanes and earthquakes (September 2017)
- Featured in short video “Sailing with IODP: Shipboard Sedimentology” (January 2017)
- Interview with Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (April 2015)
- “People Behind the Science” podcast interview (November 2014)
- Documentary film about Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 342 (December 2012)
- Quoted in LiveScience about barrier islands and storms (August 2011)